Summer Lawn Care: The Importance of Lawn Maintenance

Summertime is the season where lawn care is vital. It is the cornerstone of a healthy-looking garden and is an essential feature for vibrant garden parties. But summer in Texas is also the time of year that proper lawn care is most important. Neglecting your summer lawn could result in a tired and sick yard just when you need it most. If you are on the fence about whether to treat your lawn, now is the time to act and hire expert lawn care services, Houston. 

Read on to learn more about the risks of neglecting summer lawn care, and what preventative measures you can take.

 The Importance of Lawn Care in Texas Summer

As summer moves into full swing, it can be tempting to enjoy spending time on your lawn without giving it proper maintenance. After everything it took to revive your yard following the dramatic weather earlier this year, the work is over, right? 

In fact, the lawn faces a set of unique challenges in summertime, and it is crucial that you keep on top of them. If you fail to carry out solid summer lawn care, the lawn can become unhealthy just when you need it most. If this happens, all the hard work you’ve carried out the rest of the year will have been in vain. 

Here are some of the main problems that your lawn faces in the summer.

The Heat Kills Your Grass 

The Texas heat at the height of summer is tough on a lawn. If untreated, it can lead to bald patches and tired chapped grass. To keep your lawn looking luscious, it needs frequent watering in every nook and cranny. 

Increased Risk of Disease 

The summer months see an increase in pests and excessive lawn thatch. This increases the risk of disease and prevents your lawn from getting all of the nutrients that it needs. Bugs and other pests like dry and tired lawns to lay their eggs in. When they grow to maturity, they will feed off of your lawn, causing serious damage.

Excessive Weed Growth 

Weed growth is at its highest during summer. If your lawn isn’t treated, it can become invaded by various weeds. Not only do these deface your lawn and leave an ugly mark, but they also compete with the grass for nutrients. This can kill off the grass as it doesn’t receive enough water and nutrients from the soil.

Tips for Maintaining Your Lawn

Fortunately, these hazards can be avoided by following a few simple summer lawn care tips. Here are some of our favorites. 

Install an Irrigation System 

Irrigation systems are great ways to ensure your lawn is always adequately watered and looked after. They apply just the right amount of water evenly over every patch of lawn. This leaves a neat, professional, and vibrant finish. The irrigation system keeps your yard vibrant while you sit back and relax. 

Bug Treatments 

Insect infestations can easily be prevented with the right treatments. It typically takes only one application per year to keep your lawn safe all year round. 

Lawn Aeration 

Lawn aeration is vital to a healthy lawn. It makes sure that the lawn’s roots are receiving what they need from the air. You can aerate your lawn with a simple garden fork, but for best results, we recommend using a lawn aerator. 

General Lawn Maintenance 

And of course, you need to stay on top of your general lawn maintenance to make sure the lawn’s basic needs are met. This includes regular mowing, trimming of edges, diligent weeding, and general clean-up.

Avoid a Tire Summer Lawn & Book Your Lawn Maintenance with L3 Design Lawncare Services in Houston

At L3 Design, we know exactly how to care for a lawn. If you’re proud of your lawn and want it looking in tip-top shape for your next garden party, give us a call. 

We use a multifaceted approach to ensure that every one of your lawn’s needs are met. 

First, we ensure that the lawn is as healthy as it possibly can be. We apply organic fertilizers into the soil to nourish the grass and aerate the lawn so that it can breathe comfortably. We install and manage irrigation systems to keep your lawn fresh. 

Second, we carry out any maintenance that is required to keep your lawn looking sharp. We keep it weeded, clean, trimmed, and mown to the right length. 

Finally, we treat the lawn to prevent the risk of disease in the future. Alongside keeping it healthy and maintained, we treat the lawn with fire ant, flea, and tick control. This means that you can relax knowing that your lawn is safe and sound all year round. 

To make a request or get a quote from us, send us a message or give us a call. We can't wait to make the garden of your dreams become a reality!


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